

值得珍藏的好音樂~ The Carpenters / The Ultimate Collection

木匠兄妹合唱團(The Carpenters)藉著自然動心的歌聲與浪漫動人的旋律間的完美共鳴創造了最動聽的流行音樂,他們的唱作風格定義了當代的電台情歌文化。木匠兄妹不僅是1970年代擁有最多首進榜單曲的美國樂團,更是全美音樂史上最受歡迎的抒情團體,總計創造了30首全美抒情榜TOP20單曲與18首全美熱門單曲榜TOP20單曲以及全球超過1億張的唱片銷售,贏得3座葛萊美獎與難以估計的金唱片,同時入列「葛萊美獎名人殿堂」與「好萊塢星光大道」。

木匠兄妹由哥哥理察卡本特擔綱歌曲創作、編曲與管絃樂製作,妹妹凱倫卡本特擔任演唱,兄妹倆在1960年代初期與朋友組成重唱樂團闖蕩樂壇。1970年初,木匠兄妹將披頭四快板搖滾歌"Ticket To Ride"改唱成流行抒情小品,這首翻唱曲讓兄妹倆嚐到初次打進排行榜的滋味;同年7月,木匠兄妹以銷售破百萬張的冠軍曲"(They Long To Be) Close To You"瞬間風靡全球,隨後陸續以"We’ve Only Just Begun"、"Yesterday Once More"、"Top Of The World"、"Please Mr. Postman"…等清新悅耳的歌曲打進全美熱門單曲榜TOP10。


此張雙CD精選大碟完整典藏木匠兄妹膾炙人口的電台情歌,其中包括"Yesterday Once More"、"(They Long To Be) Close To You"、"Please Mr. Postman"…等全美抒情榜TOP10招牌作,還有凱倫卡本特辭世前最後的錄音作品"Now"。

 現在, 就讓我們走入木匠兄妹的一首很好聽的歌裡吧!一首我很喜歡的歌~

Share with you all~

I need to be in love     (The Carpenters)

The hardest thing I've ever done

Is keep believing there's someone in this crazy world for me

The way that people come and go thru temporary lives

My chance could come and I might never know

I used to say

"No promises, let's keep it simple"

But freedom only helps you say good-bye

It took awhile for me to learn

That nothing comes for free

The price I've paid is high enough for me

*I know I need to be in love

I know I've wasted too much time

I know I ask perfection of a quite imperfect world

And fool enough to think that's what I'll find

So here I am with pockets full of good intentions

But none of them will comfort me tonight

I'm wide awake at four a.m.

Without a friend in sight

Hanging on a hope but I'm alright(*)


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